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Re: (re-)boot woes - SOLVED

OK guys -- end of problem.

After a weekend's crash course in data recovery and forensics, I'm now back to where I was four days ago -- despite a professional (and highly competent) data recovery company quoting me £350 + VAT to get my pictures back, and advising me to just re-format my disk and start anew.

I'm too stubborn to do that (and too poor); but I did fear it was the only option for me at one point.

However, after my data partitions sorted themselves out (which I could probably have done by running e2fsck from an external boot), I spent a day trying to solve the: 'unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)' problem.

Fortunately, DD Andy Cater realised (eventually) that all I really needed to do was:

 1)  boot from an external source (I used Knoppix 3.4);
 2)  create a new directory and mount the boot partition in it;
     [mkdir /mntpt ; mount -t ext3 /dev/<hda2> /mntpt]
 3)  cd to the new directory;  check contents to verify;
     [cd /mntpt ; ls  -al]
 4)  from within the new directory, chroot to the same directory;
     [chroot /mntpt]
 5)  from there, run lilo (as root; from the new directory).

Problem solved.

(Mind you, lilo came up with a shedload of objections -- mainly about the wrong version of devmapper -- but it worked. Lilo ran, and enabled the system to find its initrd image. Re-boot from hard drive no problem.)

And I'd also made sure before running lilo that I was happy with the contents of lilo.conf and fstab.

Thanks a bunch to all who helped -- I now have more copies of these pictures than I know what to do with!

Cheers all,
Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler@startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
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