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(re-)boot woes

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I just hosed a Toshiba Satellite 1110 laptop (multi-boot: XP and three different kernels of Debian testing - 2.6.8, 2.4.27 & 2.4.26) by trying to add SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, which barfed on the re-boot. [L 07 07 07 recurring] My fault; this machine would never have re-booted from an external USB device, anyway.

Now, any attempt to boot from rescue disk using <whatever>linu[z|x] root=/dev/hda2 results in:

          unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

so I can't get in to re-run lilo, not nohow.

(And I've also got a partition that holds a lot of valuable data that's now showing empty. This is the real tragedy. I don't mind blowing away and re-formatting; as long as I can get that data back. It's the only set of photographs I have of a pilgrimage to Rome and back, being prepared to be put on CD.)

I've googled around for the error message I'm getting, but have found no information which has been able to help me repair the system, or boot in.

Booting form non-invasive CD, I've been able to make bit-for-bit copies of each partition, as well as the whole disk; and readable copies of everything, *except* what used to be in the now-empty partition.

Backtracking, I suspect that what happened was that /usr (in its own partition) filled up to 100%; the SUSE install procedures detected this and tried to 'repair' it; and thus scribbled over the first part of the 'following' partition, where all my valuable data being prepared for backup lives/lived.

Any ideas?  I *really* need some help here.

Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler@startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
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