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Re: setting default compiler version

Michael Marsh wrote:

> On 5/12/05, Martin Henne <martin.henne@web.de> wrote:
>> What is the environment variable to set the preprocessor to cpp-3.4
>> instead of cpp?
> Often, a Makefile will use the $(CC) variable as its C compiler and
> $(CXX) as its C++ compiler, 

I know that. But what about the preprocessor?

> If you only want to run the preprocessor, use "$(CC) -E"
> and redirect the output to a file.

This is not what I want. Usually, g++ and gcc call a preprocessor.
I found, that some configure scripts recognize g++/gcc-3.4 as the 
compiler, when I set the environment variables CXX and CC, but
they complain about /usr/lib/cpp, which is linked to version
3.3.x . 

In other words, they don't use /usr/lib/cpp-3.4 automatically
when using gcc/g++-3.4 . How can I change that?

> To try a specific compiler once (with a clean source code directory),
> the following should work:
> make CC=gcc-3.4 CXX=g++-3.4

Yes, Thats well known. But your answers refer to the compiler,
and I asked for the preprocessor!


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