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Re: my font of death

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En/La Alban Browaeys ha escrit, a 06/04/05 06:06:
| Could you report this bug to the bug tracking system (reportug) ?
Yes, I'll do that. I wasn't sure if this is a bug or just some mistake
on my part. I guess I should report it to the maintainers of xfs-xtt, yes?
| Also did you mean that the font is now registered in two places : xfstt
| and via kde font installer ?
Yes, but that was true of ALL my ttf fonts. I had done the same thing
with an earlier phonetic font but it was not PD and I didn't want to get
into copywrite trouble by putting it into a GPL/Sourceforge application.
I scouted around for another phonetic font and TIPA seemed a nice
solution. So, basically all my ttf fonts were registered twice but only
the tipa-derived font caused the crash. I immediately removed it from
the xls fonts but it still sits happily as a "normal" ttf font without
causing any problems but, as I said, unusable by my application.

| There was an uplad yesterday about xft2 it could help if your crash comes
| from the client side and not the xfs server .
Sorry uplad = upload? Do you mean Bug#195660?

| you should look at the faq from the X strike force (X debian maintainers)
| http://necrotic.deadbeast.net/xsf/XFree86/trunk/debian/local/FAQ.xhtml
I will do, thanks for this.
| they have a lot of helpfull tips and how to provide advanced informations.
| Regards
| Alban
That's great Alban. Thanks again for the help.
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