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Selective passwd-based access via SSH


On my machines I usually use SSH-key based remote access only.  It
turned out, however, that for a special user, who uses sftp only,
I'd need to allow for passwd-based access.

The user needs no real shell, so I'll use either scponly or rssh,
and expect no big problems here.

However the authentication setup puzzles me.  I imagine I'd need
to tell SSHD to use PAM, then tell PAM to disallow passwd-based
access for everyone, besides this special user.  I looked at
the description of PAM modules on the web, but none of them seemed
to give what I want.

OTOH I am no PAM expert, and I don't think I could be the only
one who needs more sophisticated access control.

Any hints, URLs, good RTFMs are welcome,

				Grzegorz B. Prokopski

PS: A Cc: on reply would be appreciated.  I am not on the list,
but I can check the archives.
Grzegorz B. Prokopski           <gadek@sablevm.org>
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