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Re: usb device (hotplug etc)

Eric, thanks for the reply, I appreciate the help. The individual DOCs don't seem to tie the pieces together.

Eric Gaumer wrote:
Rick Macdonald wrote:

Eric Gaumer wrote:

You may want to also install (hotplug | hal | udev | dbus | gvm). I've
very skeptical about this utopia stack but I have to admit that it works
extremely well.

I just installed hotplug | hal | udev | dbus | gvm, but none of the
packages asked me any configuration questions.

It doesn't need much configuration.

What did I miss?

What makes you think you missed something?

1) if I run "mount" before and after plugging in the camera, there is no automatic mount created.

2) On any particular day the actual mount could be /dev/sda1 or /dev/sde1 or whatever. From what I've read, I expected to specify, for example, /sonyt3 as the permanant location and that the actual mount is linked from /sonyt3->/dev/sdXX? How does it know what I want the automatic mount linked to?

Am I looking at the wrong info? Maybe I'm confused between old and new methods? I read I needed a udev config something like the following, but in someplaces it seems to say that udev is not part of this system.

BUS="usb", SYSFS{manufacturer}="Sony", SYSFS{idProduct}="0010", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="sonyt3"

3) The installation of gvm didn't start it running. I launched it from the command line (tried both as root and as myself). Do I need to restart gnome for it to be launched automatically?

gvm prints out the following when I plug in my Sony T3 digital camera
(usb mode):

I haven't gotten to the point of automatically having an application launched. The Sony T3 support USB, PTP and PictBridge. When set to USB mode, I plug it in and it automatically gets mounted but the mount point varies.

When you plug your camera in (providing it's supported by gphoto2) a dialog
box should pop open asking if you would like to import photos.

If this isn't the case:

o make sure you have gphoto2, libgphoto2-2, libgphoto2-port0 installed
o make sure dbus/hal is installed and running
o make sure gnome-volume-manager is installed and running (gvm)
o make sure you are in the plugdev group
o make sure you are in the camera group

Affirmative to all the above:

root@timshel:~# dpkg --get-selections|grep gphoto
gphoto                                          install
gphoto2                                         install
libgphoto2-2                                    install
libgphoto2-port0                                install

hal 7330 0.0 1.2 9188 6372 ? Ss Mar12 0:00 /usr/sbin/hald --drop-privileges message 9923 0.0 0.1 2128 1020 ? Ss 00:27 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon-1 --system

rickm@timshel:~$ id
uid=501(rickm) gid=100(users) groups=6(disk),20(dialout),27(sudo),29(audio),44(video),100(users),105(camera),107(lpadmin),109(plugdev),110(prg)

I haven't tried gnome-volume-manager in KDE. I would assume it works. Anybody
know for sure?


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