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Supposedly Simple KDE/Kate Question

I'm basically self-taught in programming and a while ago, I found Kate, which 
is a great editor for me because it's easy to switch from one file to another 
and I love having the console as part of the window, so it's easy to move 
back and forth, from the edit window, to the console, when I'm debugging and 

There's one problem I've never been able to find an answer for.  I've Googled 
and asked on other lists and forums, but I've never gotten a clear answer.

Is there any kind of keyboard shortcut to move from the edit window to the 
console (or to the file listing pane) so I can move from one pane to another 
without having to move my fingers from the home keys and all the way to the 
mouse?  It's all in one window, so I can't just alt-tab or anything.



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