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Re: Re: OOo startup

On 03/10/2005 07:00 PM, Rob Bochan wrote:
I see what you're referring to now. I just tried setting up a .xsession file with:
xrandr -s 1024x768 &&
exec ooffice

which left me with the same effect as before. If I set the -s switch to 800x600, that still leaves me with a ton of screen real estate unused, since the lcd on that machine doesn't do 800x600. The fonts are godawful in that mode too.

No no.... :)  Back to the man page! ;)

That's not a valid xrandr command. From a terminal, xrandr -q will get you a table of resolutions you can select. The "*" in the table shows the default.

Now you can use the xrandr -s <enter an *integer* here> command to reset the resolution.

Try that.

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