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Re: How long 'till Sarge->Stable?

On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 10:14:52PM -0600, SigmaX wrote:

> The 'new user' to Linux we would put on testing, not stable.  The Debian 
> stable model is ideal for servers.  Yes, you might end up running Apache 
> 1.3 for two years after Apache 2.0 came out, but you're operating system 
> is rock-solid-stable because for those two years it's only been getting 
> more and more stable and secure.  

Ever try to run a multipurpose Woody server?  None of the actual services on
mine are offered by Woody packages EXCEPT Apache (where 1.3 is fine).  SMTP,
IMAP, webmail, MySQL, and PHP are all backports (along with less-central
stuff like awstats), and while I greatly appreciate the work of the
backporters, this doesn't make administration easy, I promise you.

Sarge needs to release soon, and if necessary leave the architectures almost
no one uses behind for a few weeks or months.  How many S390 Debian users
are there, anyway?  It seems to me that the developer-controlled system that
runs the Debian project produces really good OS's at the cost of
user-friendliness in a lot of ways, most certainly including the schedule.
Carl Fink             carl@fink.to
Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading

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