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Re: testing/sarge for production use

On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 11:00:47AM -0800, snacktime wrote:
> Is this crazy or are others doing this also?  From the open bug list
> it doesn't appear that there are many bugs related to x86 and the
> application that I use, which are mostly server apps and no desktop
> related stuff.

No.  I think that sarge is stable enough for most situations.  At the
MIT CSAIL lab where I'm a grad student, that's all we use (for linux
installations).  Two of our group's cpu servers logged 150 days of
uptime before we had to reboot for a kernel upgrade.  One thing I'd
recommend: on machines where stability is important, don't do
upgrade/dist-upgrade's until sarge has moved to stable.  Oh, and make
sure your /etc/apt/sources.list specifies "sarge", not "testing."
Occasionally upgrade/dist-upgrade will break things, it's not
necessarily easy to revert to old (working) versions and a fix may not
appear for weeks or months.

> This seemed like a saner approach then running woody and compiling the
> applications I need newer versions of from source.

Yes.  Definitely.  Besides the fact that woody is a pain-in-the-ass to
install (I tried and failed every time!), it's extremely out-of-date
and requires a lot of hand-holding and care.  Sarge just works.


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