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do I want to move to Sarge? (was: installing kernel 2.6 on woody)

Alexei Chetroi wrote
  Those depends on libc of greater version than in woody. So you may
install needed packages from http://www.backports.org or build necessary
packages by yourself. But if you are ready to go with 2.6 kernel, may be
it is simpler to go with Sarge? which is going to became stable some day

Well, I'm certainly considering it. It does seem like it would be easier than mixing, but I'm reluctant to leave behind the warm hearth of the security team. This machine won't be outside the firewall, but I need to do another one that will, and I want to run the same versions on both to keep things simple. Are people out there running Sarge on exposed servers? I just don't know how much I need to worry about it.

The exposed server is going to be doing web, mail, webmail, that kind of stuff.


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