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Re: do I want to move to Sarge? (was: installing kernel 2.6 on woody)

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 17:33 -0500, Andy Rowan wrote:
> Alexei Chetroi wrote
> >   Those depends on libc of greater version than in woody. So you may
> >install needed packages from http://www.backports.org or build necessary
> >packages by yourself. But if you are ready to go with 2.6 kernel, may be
> >it is simpler to go with Sarge? which is going to became stable some day
> >:)
> Well, I'm certainly considering it.  It does seem like it would be easier 
> than mixing, but I'm reluctant to leave behind the warm hearth of the 
> security team.  This machine won't be outside the firewall, but I need to do 
> another one that will, and I want to run the same versions on both to keep 
> things simple.  Are people out there running Sarge on exposed servers?  I 
> just don't know how much I need to worry about it.
> The exposed server is going to be doing web, mail, webmail, that kind of 
> stuff.

If it runs it's own firewall, you eliminate unneeded daemons, don't
run inherently insecure products like sendmail, make sure that 
all apps are properly configured, keep it up-to-date DON'T RUN X 
ON IT, blah blah, you know, the stuff that you're supposed to do
anyway, then why not?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them
make their experiments on politicians and journalists."
Henrik Ibsen

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