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Re: Debian Kindergarten List (was: Debian List for Idiot Debian Users - seriously).

On 02/05/2005 06:39 am, Kent West wrote:

> I believe you misunderstand what Paul is saying. He's saying two things:
> 1) Most newbie questions are already answered in the archives, on
> Google, etc. (Granted, your particular question was not.) Folks with the
> knowledge to answer questions are more likely to stay on this list
> without becoming a part of a newbie list.

I have been using Debian for about 8 years (I had to think about that one to 
give a number) and I am still a newbie.

I would not want to hang around such a list because I would not be able to 
help newbies very much and I would likely see posts with things like "you 
guys are idiots, I am going to go to the real Debian lists and ask my 
question there and get real answers."  In other words, there would be some 
big shoes to fill.

When I have problems I usually Google for answers, which I often do not find, 
especially for issues that are Debian-specific.  Then I go to the #Xandros 
IRC channel or ask here if that is more appropriate.  More Debian materials 
are available now, it is much easier now to find answers to Debian questions 
than in years past.  Debian IRC channels are a good place to get answers or 
to be told where you can find answers to questions.  I use Freenode, no more 
Dalnet for me.

BTW on a few occasions I have received emails from people who Googled and 
found old posts of mine (several years old), asking me how I had solved my 
problem, because they have the same problem now and my post did not get a 
reply.  I usually don't recall how I solved the original problem because the 
condition that caused the problem no longer exists.



sp@mtr@p: croak@shadypond.com

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