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Re: Vanilla vs Debian 2.6 Kernels

On Sat, 2005-01-29 at 18:14 +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
> Glyn Tebbutt wrote:
> > Vanilla or Debian. Pros and againsts?
> This is what Alan Cox has to say about "vanilla":
>      "Given that base 2.6 kernels are shipped by Linus with known unfixed
>      security holes anyone trying to use them really should be doing some
>      careful thinking. In truth no 2.6 released kernel is suitable for
>      anything but beta testing until you add a few patches anyway....
>      I still think the 2.6 model works well because its making very good
>      progress and then others are doing testing and quality management on
>      it. Linus is doing the stuff he is good at and other people are doing
>      the stuff he doesn't."
> -- Alan Cox
Cant say i going to go against the advice of Alan Cox :) ive got the
debian patched sources working now so all is well, bit touch and go for
a while though.

| Glyn Tebbutt |                d3c3it-linux@ntlworld.com |
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|           Lisa, if we conserve the environmentalist win |
|                                          -Homer Simpson |

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