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Re: Installation

On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 12:54:37PM +1300, YH wrote:
> 1. The displayed characters flicks on konsole of X11 screen. My monitor 
> is a VE710B LCD and my video card is S3 Trio 3D/2X. I could not found 
> the driver for the Trio 3D/2X video card during installation, so I 
> selected S3virge driver. I am not sure that caused the problem or not, 
> how can I resolve this problem? Where can I get S3 Trio 3D/2X driver?

According to /usr/share/doc/xserver-xfree86/README.s3virge, this driver
supports the Trio3D/2x chip.  Possibly you have the refresh rate limits
set too high in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

> 2. The CDROM and Floppy are not defined in mtab, I suspect that the 
> debian did not detect the hardware during the installation. I can edit 
> mtab to add floppy and cdrom, but I don't know which device in /dev/ 
> linked to floppy and cdrom. Could you help please.

mtab is a dynamic list of what devices / filesystems are actually
mounted at a particular time.  You don't normally edit it by hand.  The
table of filesystems is called /etc/fstab.  This is the one which should
have /floppy and /cdrom or whatever in it.

If the floppy or cdrom aren't there, the floppy device is /dev/fd0, and
the cdrom device will probably be /dev/hdb, you can add them in:

/dev/fd0	/floppy		auto	defaults,user,noauto	0	0
/dev/hdb	/cdrom		iso9660	defaults,ro,user,noauto	0	0

People are mounting their stuff under /media/floppy, /media/cdrom these
days, you can do that if you like.

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