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Re: Fwd: Re: Startinf fvwm

On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 14:33:41 -0800, cfk <cfk@pacbell.net> wrote:
>         I started over with Sarge this morning a bit more slowly. As I get things
> setup one at a time, I see some missing packages.
>         At this time, I am setting up kdevelop. The first thing that happens is that
> the terminal displays a myriad of nags aobut missing icons such as
> "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 48x48/stock/text" which is a tiny bit
> worrisome as I did not see that with kdevelop on RedHat. Can someone tell me
> what might be missing?

Are you installing via apt-get?  If so, it should be resolving the
dependencies for you.  I don't have kdevelop installed, but I see a
directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/stock/text (which is empty)
and is provided by the package hicolor-icon-theme.  If something's
really broken, dependency-wise, you might try "apt-get install -f" to
try to fix it.

>         Additionally, kdevelop setup is complaining about a few missing packages,
> which are:      gmake,  sgml2html, glimpse, glimpseindex, QtLinguist & QtDesigner.
>         I resolved all the other package not founds but these. I suspect they are
> buried in packages with different names, but I do not know the names they
> might be buried within.

Try taking a look through the output of "apt-cache depends kdevelop"
or "apt-cache show kdevelop".  At the very least you should make sure
that the "make" package is installed.

Michael A. Marsh

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