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Re: Suggestions for DVD/CD writing software?

On Wednesday 08 December 2004 22:55, Maurits van Rees wrote:
> man apt-cache:
>   apt-cache performs a variety of operations on APT's package
>   cache. apt-cache does not manipulate the state of the system but does
>   provide operations to search and generate interesting output from the
>   package metadata.
> So you should be safe. You get things like this:
> $ apt-cache search dvd write
> bootcd - run your system from cd without need for disks
> bootcd-dvdplus - bootcd extension to use DVD+ media
> bootcd-hppa - bootcd extension to create images that can boot on
> parisc/hppa bootcd-i386 - bootcd extension to create images that can boot
> on i386. bootcd-ia64 - bootcd extension to create images that can boot on
> ia64 k3b - A sophisticated KDE cd burning application

You can do all of these type of searches within aptitiude, so there is no need 
to use apt-cache.  Take a little time out and read the manual (on-line in 
aptitude) and it will show you how to do these searches.

Alan Chandler
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
 then they fight you, then you win. --Gandhi

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