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Re: Fw:Mewbie Having Much Trouble Getting Deb 2.4.18-bf2.4 To Work

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

From: "Kent West" <westk@acu.edu>
Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
Well. finally achieved partial success.  Modem, ppp,wvdial and gnome GUI now working without error messages except Mozilla mail client still gets mail from the wrong account.
Somewhere in the Moz menus will be an "Account Options" or similar item
(on Thunderbird, it's "Tools" / "Account Settings"). Delete the wrong
account; create the correct account.
Gee, I thought I made it clear that I have only one account set up and have deleted it several times and restarted.  I set up lenc@ruralcomm.com but I get lchata@ruralcomm.com.  User ID is lchata and I think Mozilla is getting confused. Getting correct email set up with outlook express
worked the first time when I first changed addresses.

Is Outlook Express responsible for the horrible quoting style I'm seeing in this email (which I've cleaned up in this reply)? If so, it's hardly a program to be praising, even if it is easy to set up.

Perhaps you did make it clear that you only have one account set up and have deleted it & restarted several times in an earlier posting, but this list generates way too much traffic for most people to remember details not specified in the immediate context.

At any rate, what you're describing is not being understood by me. Maybe you should start a new thread with an appropriate subject line to deal with just this one issue.

Dselect didn't run.  The reinstall failed
everyltime I used my backup CD' so I turned to the originals to reinstall
and it still didn't complete dselect as on the original installation.
I'm beginning to think you have bad/damaged CDs.
Ditto, I think the same. So I used the unused original disks and still had errors.  The originals from Linux CD-r's could be corrupt.

Could be.

In order to inform your system of newer stuff, like newer
kernels, you'll have to point your system to a different source for
Ok, I've changed sources.list from stable to testing and commented out the CD entries and assume I will see Sarge kernel images to download when I run `apt-get dist-upgrade.  Right?  Can I just upgrade the kernel to Sarge to start instead of updating/upgrading the entire Debian distribution or
will that cause problems?  I only have dialup modem service.

Just changing "stable" to "testing" won't do the job, as your sources.list file is currently (presumably) only looking toward your on-hand set of CDs. You'll have to add appropriate lines for grabbing files off the network. "man sources.list" is a good reference, but to get you started, here's what my sources.list file looks like (I only pull from the net; no CDs, etc):

westk[@westek]:/home/westk:> cat /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main

deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/ sid main
# deb-src ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/ testing main

deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main

PS: It's a good idea to prune excess material that's no longer needed in your reply. It's also a good idea to not "top post", but rather to place your response directly below whatever you're responding to. It's my understanding that Outlook Express encourages top-posting by putting your cursor at the top of a reply email; very bad, nasty habit.

Kent West

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