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[solved] Re: hda=stroke for installer?

On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 11:23:53PM +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to install sarge on an old (Celeron 366) machine with a new
> disk.

Thanks to all those who offered advice.

To summarise:

I jumpered my 80G disk to clip its capacity, so that my old Award bios
would boot.

For Linux to see this, with a recent (>=2.6.7) kernel, the ide driver
needs the 'hda=stroke' option.

The debian installer uses modules for all that, so putting it on the
command line doesn't work - it has to go with loading the module.

The module in question is ide_core, which is normally loaded implicitly
when you load another module that depends on it. That doesn't allow for
adding options, so I had to shell out and run

modprobe ide_core options="hda=stroke"

from the command line, before letting the installer start loading the
other ide modules (which it does when looking for the CDROM, so I had to
get in before that). Note also that the syntax is different: when using
a built-in driver, just add 'hda=stroke' to the kernel command line;
when using a module, it's 'options="hda=stroke"'.

That lets the installer do it's thing, but it doesn't pass that on to
the installed system.

When I install debian, I usually create a root partition of around 2G,
from which I set up LVM and so on for the rest of it. That all fits in
the first 33.8G (naturally), so it let me carry on to build a kernel
with the ide drivers built in (and in fact no initrd at all), which I
then installed.

Lastly I tweaked /boot/grub/menu.lst to add 'hda=stroke' (no 'options'
stuff this time) to the command line, and I now see the full disk.

I'm sure it's possible to get the initrd stuff set up right too, but I'm
less familiar with that, so I didn't pursue that very far.

Hopefully that helps anyone in a similar situation :-)

What I really need, of course, is better hardware ... the PII 400
machine behind me is still clunking away building the kernel; I gave up
waiting for it after about half an hour, and sshed in to work and built
it on my P4 1.7 and copied it back in a fraction of the time (woohoo -
the other one's finished now too!).


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