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Re: SOLVED: apache being hit

Hi Robert,

Thanks a lot guys!
That was right. I had to change '/etc/apache/modules.conf' as well as
changing /etc/apache/httpd.conf; I commented out the line:

LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libproxy.so

Then requests stopped right away. Isn't it weird that even yahoo.com
was using my server? I mean, isn't this 'proxy-using' thing abusive?
Is it ok for them to do that? I really don't know very well what
proxy-ing means in this context, so if you have any references to help
me out, I'd appreciate it.

yahoo.com wasn't using your server, somebody was using your server for
requesting the website yahoo.com !!!

Maybe you've heard of the proxy software squid (www.squid-cache.org).
A proxy is used mostly in organisations, where the workstations don't
have access to the internet (HTTP) directly. So there's a proxy, which
has access to the internet and this is used by the workstations.
You can set up a proxy in your browser configuration...

So, you enabled the proxy_module within the apache and of course in
this case you've created an 'open proxy'. With this module the apache
can act like a squid...


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