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Re: I've changed keyboards, now how do I change the mapping...

On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 11:45:05PM +0200, Robert Cates wrote:
> Hi, and thanks for your quick reply!
> I just tried both of your suggestions, and dpkg-reconfigure console-data 
> gave me some text which in part said - "Select keymap from arch list" will 
> allow you to select one of the predefined keymaps specific for your 
> architecture - you will most likely want this unless you have a USB 
> keyboard."
> But actually I do have a USB keyboard.  Is there no way to configure Debian 
> to map my German style USB keyboard?  Isn't there a config file somewhere 
> which sets the keyboard style in use on the machine that I can simply edit?

I would try the arch list. I think it also works fine with usb


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