Re: -- OFFLINE -- Re: Working backup solution?
What's this OFFLINE about? Didn't you mean to send it to the list?
Alvin Oga wrote:
hi ya mate
On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 05:17:00PM +0800, John Summerfield wrote:
I'm trying to find a decent backup solution for our 5 Debian systems –
all on Dell hardhardware. Been looking at the Dell PowerVault 122 as it
seems to fit our needs quite good in terms of capacity (640Gb max).
that capcity is ez ...
get two or three 300GB disks ..
I especially like the way you quantified the amount of data to be backed
up before offering a solution:-)
i donno if you're kidding or if you're flaming :-)
the poster did say he was happy with 640GB of space ..
The PowerVault 112T DLT VS80 is tape, and Amanda is (free) tape backup
If you need more backup storage, you buy another carton of tapes.
If Didde is half-way competant and has decided tape is appropriate, I'd
say chances are disk won't do.
I've seen good reports of Amanda, including amongst the zServer crowd.
and yeah.. backup solutions is trivial with find|tar or apps of similar
"you-gotta-have-used-it-before" vs commercial broken apps
we're trying to build 100TeraByte per rack backups :-)
( fun stuff, and you guessed it, based on find|tar w/ a gui too )
Good luck.
-- spambait
Tourist pics
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