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Re: release change

On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 08:54:14PM +0200, Kaiser, Hans wrote:

Hi Hans,
the what is "in" testing and unstable will always change.
Also, the code name of stable and testing will change.
the code name of unstable will always be sid.

when	old	 	current 	testing		unstable
	stable		stable
NOW: 	slink		woody		sarge		sid
SOON: 	woody		sarge		etch		sid
FUTURE: sarge		etch		???		sid

> - how will the branch switch from Testing to newStable be realized?

after everything in testing checks out, it will become the new stable.
so, sarge will be the current stable which means it will have security
updates and will no longer accept new packages. actually it has security
updates now but I dont think is always the case.

> - how can I tag my installation to a defined branch to stay on the
> currentTesting, which will be equal at the release date with newStable? 

track 'sarge'

> I do
> not want, that my installation automatically moves from currentTesting to
> newTesting after the releaseDay. Currently I have tagged my installation to
> testing, should I switch the tag to sarge?

Go to the debian site, it is all explained there!

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