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Re: release change

Kaiser, Hans <r_2@gmx.de> wrote:
> - newTesting (current unstable? Don't know how it is called, or what it will
> be)

> - how can I tag my installation to a defined branch to stay on the
> currentTesting, which will be equal at the release date with newStable? I do
> not want, that my installation automatically moves from currentTesting to
> newTesting after the releaseDay. Currently I have tagged my installation to
> testing, should I switch the tag to sarge?
Ok last question first:
The debian branches are named after the characters from the film Toy
Story. The aliases stable/testing are changing so before woody was
released it was testing now it's stable und sarge is testing once sarge
will be released it'll be stable and etch will be testing. So back to
your question if you want to stick to a special branch use the Toy story
character name of it like woody, sarge, etch, ... btw. etch (new
testing) will start as a copy of the last stable version (then sarge). 
Oh and sid is unstable and will ever be (Sid the evil character,
SID=Still In Developement).

> Now my questions:
> - how will the branch switch from Testing to newStable be realized?
If you wrote sarge rather than testing in your sources.list and regulary
make an apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade you will recognize one day
that only packages with security fixes will be upgraded. That will be
the day when sarge will have been released ;).

> Okay as you can see, I do not know how the releasing process of debian
> works, therefore I hope someone could explain me the facts.

hth,	Christoph

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