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release change

Hello list,

I'm considering to switch a preproductive machine to testing, which will go
after one or two months productive. Because it's my first branch switch, I
have several questions, but previously some word definitions I will use:
- currentStable (the current stable version Deb3.0) 
- currentTesting (currently the sarge branch)
- newStable (the new stable Deb3.1 release point maybe end of September)
- newTesting (current unstable? Don't know how it is called, or what it will

Now my questions:
- how will the branch switch from Testing to newStable be realized?
- how can I tag my installation to a defined branch to stay on the
currentTesting, which will be equal at the release date with newStable? I do
not want, that my installation automatically moves from currentTesting to
newTesting after the releaseDay. Currently I have tagged my installation to
testing, should I switch the tag to sarge?

Okay as you can see, I do not know how the releasing process of debian
works, therefore I hope someone could explain me the facts.


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