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Re: Help using Apt-Get

> Reading Package Lists... Error!
> E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room

That, IIRC, is a bug which has been there since day 0
and has to be corrected by putting an entry expanding
your cache size, in the "apt.conf" file.  I'm hazy on
the details (it's been a MONTH already) but you can google
for the error message and you'll find the fix.  also,
there are references to it on the lists here...  Somebody
on this list undoubtedly has the exact details as well.

My 2 cents re: your other problems...:

(1) don't even THINK about installing "testing" packages
in your Woody.  You will end up with an inter-release Jihad
on your hands.

(2) instead of upgrading an existing Woody to a Sarge,
load the Sarge into a different bootable partition and get it
working and able to support all your Woody-based apps and
hookups etc. before burning your bridges.

(3) nobody seems to *really* know how apt-pinning works.
It doesn't completely work or completely not work, and
it will do Some Things And Not Others, depending on how
well (or who) it ate this morning.

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