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Re: Gallery

Raquel Rice wrote:

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:12:43 +0200
Thijs Koetsier <debian@thijskoetsier.net> wrote:

Raquel Rice wrote:

I've been trying and trying to get Gallery to work on Woody with
PHP4.1.2.  I downloaded and installed via aptitude, and couldn't
get past the first configuration screen.

Then I downloaded from sourceforge, got through the install, but
all I can get is "Document contains no data".  Has anyone
successfully installed Gallery on Woody?

Yes, as a matter of fact I did today.
What seems to be the problem in the first configuration screen? Normally, the installer outputs the warnings and errors which
cause problems.

Which version of Gallery did you download? Did you download
directly to your server or through your workstation and could
you've uploaded in the wrong mode (ASCI/Binairy)?

Thijs Koetsier


Thank you for a humane response.

I'm running Woody that is pretty stock, with Apache and PHP.  I was
happy to see the Gallery package.  I've had Gallery running on
another machine (RedHat), supporting a photo gallery for my
highschool graduating class and have been wanting to move it to the
Debian machine.  So, I installed it the way that Alexander so
graciously and painstakingly described in his first response.  There
were no errors, so I clicked the button to go on to the next page
and all that happens is the page reloads.

When that process failed several times, I downloaded version
1.4.3-pl2 to the server using wget, and installed.  It goes through
the entire install process with no errors.  Then after invoking
"secure.sh" I try to display index.php in my browser.  All I get is
an error message saying "Document contains no data".

It wasn't until late last night, after struggling for quite some
time, that I remembered that it wouldn't install (either way,
Alexander) on my other Woody machine.  I'd really like to move my
gallery off the RedHat machine.  It's a Pentium 90 and I'd like to
retire it.

Thank you again, Alexander and Thijs.

Have you installed this new server recently; or does it serve other things fine? As far as I can see, walking through the process of configuring without any errors and than not seeing any result, could point to something outside Gallery. Is Apache configured to show index.php in directories? Also, did you chmod'ed the files and folders as mentioned in the manual? Don't be offended by my asking this somewhat trivial questions, but I also sometimes forget these things.

And what happens if you connect to Gallery using 'Gallery Remote' (you can download it at gallery.menalto.com). Does it find a Gallery where you can upload to? In that case, it's almost defenitely something outside Gallery.

To be sure however, you can ask your question again in the Gallery-forum, also at gallery.menalto.com. They're the real die-hards! :-)

Thijs Koetsier

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