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Re: Best Window Manager for the Job

On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 09:56:24PM -0500, Kent West wrote:

> No need to run a wm at all. I'm not sure how to set it up for all users, 
> but for any one user, just set the ~/.xinitrc to have the single line in 
> it "mozilla-firefox".

I thought of that, too, as I posted, but what if a popup window
opens?  With no WM it'll have no controls, making it hard to close
and impossible to move.  Also, if someone exits they'll find
themselves sitting at the shell prompt (or display manager prompt)
and not know what to do.

BTW, to the original poster:  have you considered the new Dillo
versus FireFox?  The new version (0.8) isn't backported to Woody yet,
but it should be straightforward to do and dillo is lighter and
faster than any Mozilla derivative (though FireFox is plenty fast).

Have you thought about the problem of cookies? If you allow them,
they're going to carry over from person to person.  Perhaps you could
add a line to Xsession that deletes the cookie file and then uses
touch to create a new one?  And have the box auto-reboot every hour
or two, or whenever the user exits the browser?  (The rebooting would
also help if someone downloads and sets up a keyboard logger,
particularly if you boot the box off a non-writable medium like CD,
which I highly recommend for a kiosk application.)
Carl Fink               carlf@dm.net
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

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