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Re: Can I install non debian source packages?

Lo, on Tuesday, June 1, Thomas Adam did write:

>  --- James Sinnamon <jps@westnet.com.au> wrote: 
> > I am running 'testing' and am considering changing to 'unstable'.  
> > 
> > In any case, does this site give me any clues about how to go about 
> > building non-Debian applications from source archives?  
> > 
> > ... or do I just try to run ./configure, then make etc, as normally 
> > instructed within the package documentation?
> Why are you compiling it? Either way, you'll need to ensure that you have:
> build-essential
> installed. Then it is simply (ha!) a case of:
> ./configure [--options] && make && su -c 'make install'
> [--options] to ./configure is optional -- it depends how rich a
> feature-set you want. "make install" must be run as root.
> But unless you have a reason not to, I suggest using .deb packages
> whenever you can.

You can mitigate some of the annoyances of installing a package manually
and recover a few of the advanced features provided by dpkg (in
particular, package removal) by using stow.  Stow itself is available as
a deb; see the included docs for more details.

Brief summary: with stow, you install each source package into a
separate directory (usually under /usr/local/stow, although that's
configurable); stow then creates symlinks to make it look as though the
program is in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/man, etc.
Removing a package is a breeze: use stow to get rid of the symlinks,
then delete the package's directory.


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