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Re: Massive increase of spam on debian-*@l.d.o

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Jonathan Dowland <jmtd@compsoc.dur.ac.uk> writes:

> On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 01:03:40AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> William Ballard <40414.nospam@comcast.net> writes:
>> > What steps are being taken to mitigate the significant increase in spam 
>> > getting through to the lists?
>> I'm reporting the spam.  What are you doing to help, or are you
>> content to only bitch instead of take action?
> Out of curiosity, how do you go about reporting it?

Find where it *really* came from by searching through the complete
headers and making sure everything checks out to avoid being duped by
forged headers.  email <hostname>@abuse.net to let them know they're

Then, go through the message, find any email addresses they want you
to reply to.  Email abuse@<isp> and postmaster@<isp> to let them know
a spammer is using their services as a dropbox.

Then, go through the message and find spamvertized sites and find out
who is hosting them and email abuse@<webhost> and let them know
they've got a spammer running a site with them.

Remember, if you're not reporting spam, you're as bad as the spammer.

- -- 
Paul Johnson
Linux.  You can find a worse OS, but it costs more.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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