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Re: cdrom vs /cdrom/cdrom and /cdorm/cdrom0

Apparently, _Bob Proulx_, on 05/03/04 00:36,typed:
H. S. wrote:

I am looking for the meaning and differences in these files:

When you installed woody this directory was created and the associated
entries in /etc/fstab were made for it.

Correct. In Woody, that is what happened.


I have never seen these before anywhere.  You mentioned sarge and I
suppose something there might be responsible.  But if so it was
probably a transient and would never appear in a released version.

Yup, maybe this is Sarge (or even Sid) specific. It is a bit confusing however.

Note that the new FHS says that these be moved to /media/cdrom.  At a
future version of Debian they will move there instead of being in the
top level directory.  Yeah!

So would it be okay if made this change myself? I kind of like that Fedora has /mnt for such things. Helps keep things clean in /


(Remove all underscores,_if any_, from my email address to get the correct one. Apologies for the inconvenience, but this is to reduce spam.)

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