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Re: more mutt questions

On 2004-04-26, Jonathan Dowland <jmtd@compsoc.dur.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 01:02:26AM +0200, Richard Lyons wrote:
>> In mutt it seems that I would need to c-?-scroll-enter 
>> to the spam folder, then mark each message for deletion.  
> Oh no, much better would be to cronjob a deletion and make sure you
> check regularly, or failing that, there are key combinations to delete
> all messages (D ~N, D .*, etc.)

A trick I picked up in some web page, if your spam folder actually has
the "spam" word as part of its name (substitute where appropriate).  Put
it in your .muttrc, and it will mark everything for deletion on entry.

folder-hook spam push 'D.\n'

> I personally find it annoying that my spool file is in one place, my
> mbox in another, and my folders in a third; so I change it all using the
> configuration options mbox and spoolfile, followed by a little procmail
> script to move everything out of the spool file automatically[2].

It has its uses.  I used to have the same config you describe when I was
using dialup, but now I'm connected permanently with dsl, what I do is
get new mail from my imap server with fetchmail, run it through
procmail/spamassassin, deposit that in a local spoolfile and then set
the mbox to the inbox in the imap server, so I can access whatever I
need from any other imap client.

If anyone is curious, back in my dialup days I used offlineimap to keep
a synchronized copy of my messages in my machine and the server and
isbg.py to take care of spam (it's a little wrapper to use spamassassin
against an imap mailbox, not in debian but easy to find and use).

Ivan Fernández

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