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Re: [OT] Populating LDAP

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 07:47:54 -0700
Eric Walstad <debian@ericwalstad.com> wrote:

> I've heard a bit about LDAP and am curious if it'll work for a central
> contacts database for a network of both Windows and Debian users. 
> [...] I've googled a bit, too, and am having a hard time finding out
> how best to populate the LDAP database with the contents of my
> addressbook.

Rule 1: If you know about LDAP, learn just a little more and go earn
money with it. IMO, LDAP's only purpose is to make those who understand
it money.

> Anyone know of a user-friendly, lightweight Windows and/or Linux
> client that can be used to add individual records to the LDAP
> database?

Sadly, LDAP is *not* your lightweight filing system. It's designed to be
a large-scale directory service. Most mail clients use it strictly

If anyone knows of a nice, friendly frontend (*not* gq): I'm
interested, too.

Only interested folks with some spare time really need to read below,
but I think it's worth it ;-)

In fact, there *is* a spec for a useful multipurpose filing system. It's
called ACAP (see RFC 2244). For an experimental server and links to more
information on the topic, see http://infotrope.clues.ltd.uk/ . The bad
part is that you're not too likely to find a client using it, but it
sure has potential.

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Jabber: Shadowdancer at jabber.fsinf.de

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