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Re: upgrade debian kernal

Hi Kris,

First if you recompile your kernel, you can choose a 2.6.5 (why a
2.6.3?! weird). Anyway, it's the same.
As Kent say you can see available versions with apt-cache search

Then, do  'apt-get install kernel-package' to install some tools you'll
need to compile your new kernel using the Debian way (simplier).

go to /usr/src and unpack kernel sources.

cd your_source_directory (usually just linux)

make menuconfig
make-kpkg --revision=MyKernel.1 kernel_image

take a break.

cd ..
dpkg -i kernel-image*

run lilo -v (just to be sure)


go to: http://www.digitalhermit.com/~kwan/kernel.html to read the kernel
HowTo (you can also do that in first!)


Kent West wrote:

Chris Lowe wrote:

I am running debian base 3.0r0 and I need to upgrade to kernel 2.6.3. I would like to use menuconfig to build the kernel. I am new to debian and have never compiled my own kernel before. What tools will I need to install/update before I can build the kernel?

If you're just wanting to upgrade to kernel 2.6.3, there's no need to recompile (assuming you're running sid at least, and maybe earlier versions). Just
   apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.3-686
(assuming a Pentium Pro or newer). You can see other available kernel versions with
   apt-cache search kernel-image

If you're really asking about compiling a kernel, it's been too long since I've done so, so I'll let others address that.

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