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Re: I blew it bigtime!

Mike Chandler wrote:

 Thanks, Kent. I cannot install any kernel at this point, I have tried
 the old one (first) and then actually downloaded and attempted two
 others, everything comes to a halt with that error:
 /usr/sbin/mkinitrd : /dev/fd does not exist, mkinitrd failed. I am
 using grub, it was installed as default. Tried installing lilo and
 install failed, can't remember the error at this point.

 So I go lokk at /boot and find 2 initrd.img, one for each of the
 kernels, and both of those initrd.img are EMPTY documents. Somehow,
 what was a working initrd.img has been stripped to nothing. Should I
 just re-install? I am beginning to lean that way... Thanks

I suspect people are wishing you'd stop top-posting :-)

I went back and looked at this thread; Nicholas Pattison is credited with claiming to have used this command:

   fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

but I suspect that's actually you talking, and you've let the quote/attributions get fouled (tsk tsk tsk).

So I'm assuming you've got a valid build command. Also, according to what you've written above, the problem appears to be related to mkinitrd failing to find /dev/fd, which should be a symlink to /proc/self/fd. Does the symlink or the actual file exist? I suspect neither exists, and that the system is creating the symlink on the fly as the proc file is created on the fly.

If my suspicion is correct, that means that the proc file is not being created dynamically.

You'll find similar problems at
which indicates that maybe there's a bug somewhere in the system.

From Daniel's post here:
I think I'd try:
 cd /dev
and then try running your mkinitrd command.

If that doesn't work, I think I'd try copying the 2.2 kernel on a Woody installation CD (IIRC, that kernel does not use initrd) and booting off that kernel, at which point you can then try to repair the damage.


> Mike Chandler wrote:
>> On Tuesday 06 April 2004 02:47 pm, David Baron wrote: Thanks, I
>> am there, now it seems I have a larger problem, I cannot install
>> ANY kernel, I've tried several, they all fail with an error about
>> /dev/fd doesn't exist, and initrd didn't make. I am LOST.
> Boot into your system with Knoppix/chroot, like you've done. Then
> instead of trying to get your new kernel to work, use your old one.
> rm /vmlinuz ln -s /boot/[old_kernel] /vmlinuz edit /etc/lilo.conf
> if necessary, but probably not /sbin/lilo reboot fix your new
> kernel
> -- Kent

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