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Re: few debian questions!!

> 1- Where does the third party software (such as GNU softwares) are
> installed in debian systems ? Is it /usr/local or /usr/?

You mean stuff that you download and compile yourself? /usr/local.

Alternatively just install the Debian packages for these third party
products. Certainly almost everything GNU-ish has already been 
made into a Debian package.

> 2- Where can I found pre-compiled software for debian it seems all the
> software comes with the disks are very old one? I am looking for MYSQL. and
> latest gcc and perl and some other GNU stuff.

Then either wait for 'Sarge' to be officially released (few months yet I 
think), or try to download and install the latest debs for *just* the
stuff you want (probably this will require newer versions of many
prerequisite packages though) or upgrade to the 'testing' release which
is newer that what you have, not *stable* yet, but not so bleeding
edge as the 'unstable' release.

> 3- Is there any information on how I can package binary on debian? I used
> to build depot for HPUX.

Yes, check out the "new maintainer's guide". Google for it. 

Also I believe these is actually a debian package that will look
at the files you have installed and package them for you, which is
certainly easier.


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