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Re: Remote access PC support

Joshua Ferraro wrote:
You can always tunnel the VNC connection through SSH.  It's what
I do for those unfortunate times I stuck on a windows machine
(since the VNC viewer and PuTTY are monolithic executables that
don't require administrative privileges to install).

Could you expand on how exactly you set that up?  I rarely use windows
but sometimes I am forced to (like on campus computers).  Also, is there
an easy way to acomplish the same thing on a linux box?


Remote              Firewall              Local
 Box        ----->    Box         ----->   Box
(Win32)             (Linux)              (Linux)

Naturally, if you do not have a firewall box to SSH into first,
you can go direct to the Local Box.

1. Get the VNC Viewer http://www.realvnc.com/dist/vnc-3.3.7-x86_win32_viewer.zip
2. Get PuTTY http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe
3. Double click PuTTY and enter the hostname or IP of your firewall
   box, select SSH, and in "Tunnels" forward local port 10000 (or some
   high number) to localhost:10000.  Make the connection.  (If you don't
   have an intermediate firewall, forward to localhost:5901.  This
   assumes that you have run your vnc server as display:1.  Otherwise
   choose port 5900+vnc-display-num.  If you use rfb to export your
   primary display, the port is 5900.)
4. If you are now logged in to an intermediate Linux firewall, execute:
   ssh -L 10000:localhost:5901 user@host, otherwise skip this step.
   See note above about the port numbers.
5. Double click the VNC viewer icon on the windows box and tell it to
   connect to display localhost:10000.

From Linux to Linux it looks like this:

(with intermediate firewall)
ssh -L 10000:localhost:10000 user@firewall
ssh -L 10000:localhost:5901 user@box

(without intermediate firewall)
ssh -L 10000:localhost:5901 user@box

$ vncserver :1

(different xterm)
vncviewer localhost:10000

Some gotchas:

- Make sure you have "Xvnc: LOCAL" in /etc/hosts.allow.
  This makes certain you don't accidentally connect from
  an unsecure remote client, only from a local (to the box)
  connection (like a forwarded SSH connection).
- Don't forget to start the vnc server, either before leaving
  home (in the case using rfb to export your primary :0 display)
  or on logging into the box.
- Don't forget to kill the vncserver ("vncserver -kill :1")
  when you finish.  It's not good to leave extra services


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