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Re: Where is the 'deb' program?

>> Actually I found the latest aspell-0.50.4 packages on debian.org and
>> started to follow the description of using a local repository as
>> described in the APT HOWTO but what package is the 'deb' program in?
> There is no "deb" program.  deb is the package format used by dpkg,
> and dpkg is in dpkg, IIRC.

The APT HOWTO section 2.2 reads:

"Still in the /root directory do:

     # dpkg-scanpackages debs file | gzip > debs/Packages.gz

In the above line, file is the override file, the command generates a file
Packages.gz that contains various informations about the packages, which are used
by APT. To use the packages, finally, add:

     deb file:/root debs/

After that just use the APT commands as usual."

What is the meaning of above line beginning with 'deb'? Where and how do I use that?


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