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Where is the 'deb' program?

>> > Aspell has been removed from Woody, see
>> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-0401/msg03182.html
>> > for reference.
>> Uhg. I'm using woody. So is there any way around this? I don't think I care
>> about pedantic licensing issues.
> Yes there is, to do it and keep Woody (stable) simply use a backport.
> Here are the search results from apt-get.org for mutt:

Mmm, nice resource.

Actually I found the latest aspell-0.50.4 packages on debian.org and started to
follow the description of using a local repository as described in the APT HOWTO
but what package is the 'deb' program in?


A program should be written to  model the concepts of the task it
performs rather than the physical world or a process because this
maximizes the  potential for it  to be applied  to tasks that are
conceptually similar and, more  important, to tasks that have not
yet been conceived.

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