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Re: [OT] Slashdot and media accuracy (was Re: Improved Debian Project Emergency Communications)

On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 at 12:38 GMT, Hoyt Bailey penned:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Monique Y. Herman"
>> I tend to think that the reason you're okay with the right and the
>> left taking turns is that, for the most part, the politicians on both
>> sides are nothing but center.  I'm sick of republicrats and
>> democricans alike.
>> -- monique "two-party systems suck"
> We dont have a two party system.  There is the green party,  comunist
> party, independent party and several others.  The problem is only 1%
> or so support them (All of them).  Hoyt

In theory, we have a multi-party system.  In practice, voting for a
"third-party" candidate is a wasted vote, because everyone "knows" that
every vote cast outside of the Big Two is wasted, and so no one bothers.

If we had a system in which we could vote more than once, for example by
specifying a first, second, and third choice, maybe we would see some

I don't believe that the Big Two are so well-represented because people
actually believe that they're any good.  I believe they're
well-represented because voters believe a vote for another party will
simply reduce their chances of getting the "lesser evil" of the two.
Me, I don't like the democratic party, but I'd rather see them in office
than the republicans.  Others feel the opposite.  Either way, we're not
going to vote for a third party candidate if we feel it's a wasted vote.


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