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Re: loading iptables when debian server reboots

Hello T.J.!

On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 02:03:34PM -0800, Reed, T.J. wrote:
I have just created and entered iptables rules.  However, when the
debian server is rebooted, the iptables rules are no longer listed
when I enter the command iptables -L.

Prior to rebooting the debian server, I issued the command
iptables-save -c > /etc/iptables-save.bak1  Looking at /etc
directory, the file iptables-save.bak1 is created. What do I need
to do to have these rules load when I reboot the debian server?

This funtionality is already provided by the package, but it has some
drawbacks. Please read /etc/default/iptables for starters, but you can
surely come up with your own setup, ie. using iptables-restore.


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