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Re: emacs -nw and emacsclient

Alex Malinovich <demonbane@the-love-shack.net> writes:

>Now if what you want is to run a REMOTE emacsclient and have it connect
>to a LOCAL instance of emacs using X forwarding, I don't think it can
>be done. The X forwarding only forwards the DISPLAY. The PROCESS
>continues to run on the machine you're connected to. So you can't have
>a remote emacsclient connect to a LOCAL emacs.

That's what make-frame-on-display is for.

I leave a running Emacs at home (displaying in Xvfb under screen, so it
survives any X crash), and use this script when ssh'ing remotely into my
box (X11 forwarding enabled):

gnuclient -eval "(make-frame-on-display \"$1\")"

So everywhere I can use an X server and ssh, I can work on my (already
open or not) buffers on *as many frames* as I need (C-x 5 2 does the
trick :-). Then I close the frames, and the buffers are still alive when
I get home again.

This even works for "collaborative editing", without restorting to
screen and under X.

Cristian Gutierrez			http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~crgutier
crgutier[@]dcc.uchile.cl                        Jabber:crgutier@jabber.org

`The purpose of a windowing system is to put some amusing fluff around
your one almighty emacs window.' -- Mark on gnu.emacs.help

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