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Re: emacs -nw and emacsclient

Matt Price <matt.price@utoronto.ca> writes:

> I use emacs as my main text editor, but vastly prefer to run emacs in
> an xterm (emacs -nw) over xemacs (xemacs is quite ugly, to the point
> of unreadability, as currently configured on my machine; and also I
> often write mail via ssh with X forwarding enabled, so if Xemacs
> starts up in this situation I'm left with a hofrribly slow editor).  

While this doesn't help your actual problem, you should probably be
aware that 'emacs' and 'xemacs' are separate programs, either of which
can run in X or not in X.  ('xemacs -nw' works; 'emacs' with $DISPLAY
set will pop up an X window.)  I find xemacs with X forwarding to be
perfectly usable (though I'm also not frequently behind a modem link
these days).  There are some minor difference in the supported elisp
between the various emacsen; xemacs also comes with a lot more bundled
packages.  It seems like FSF Emacs 21 ('emacs') has feature-crept up
to about the same place as XEmacs these days; I generally use XEmacs
(when I use any Emacs at all) since that's what's familiar, though my
dotfiles do work on both Emacsen.

> Everywhere I look it says I should use emacsclient to manage multiple
> emacs sessions.  And I'd love to, isnce its way fast and it's great to
> be able to access all my buffers.  But I want the textfile or mail to
> show up in the xterm window 'm currently using.  
> That is, I'd like to have something along the lines of 
> "emacsclient -nw" as my default editor.  But as far as I can tell this
> option isn't available.  Any suggestions?

See earlier commentary about XEmacs; gnuclient(1) is the XEmacs
equivalent to emacsclient, and it does claim to support a -nw option.
I could see things being unhappy if you set $EDITOR to that, but it's
easy enough to write a shell script:

  # moremacs: open a file under gnuclient
  exec gnuclient -nw "$@"

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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