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Re: [OT] deleting pictures from digital camera via computer?

On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 12:39:55PM -0500, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
> Here is my question.  Once the camera is mounted (in my case, I put it at 
> /mnt/camera), I can see the pictures here: /mnt/camera/dcim/100nikon/*.jpg
> If I want to delete them, can I just do "rm -f /mnt/camera/dcim/100nikon/*.jpg"
> or would this cause an internal database of the camera to get out of sync 
> with the pictures actually present?

I've done this before with a different camera (actually a smartmedia
card reader) mounted using usb-storage.  It didn't seem to cause any
problems.  Obviously you want to make sure you unmount before unplugging
the usb cable.  If worst comes to worst, doesn't your camera have a way
to reformat its internal memory and restart from scratch?

--Bruce Fields

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