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Anyone else notice that Swen is slowing down?

After getting hundreds of infections per day early in the week of
14-Sep, it seems to have radically tapered off:

Date       Count
---------- -----
2003-09-19    52 (10 hours)
2003-09-20    37
2003-09-21    14
2003-09-22    65
2003-09-23    33
2003-09-24    20
2003-09-25     9

Am I the only one to see it slow down?

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

I can't make you have an abortion, but you can *make* me pay 
child support for 18 years? However, if I want the child (and 
all the expenses that entails) for the *rest*of*my*life*, and 
you don't want it for 9 months, tough luck???

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