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Re: Backport issue

El lunes, 11 de agosto de 2003, a las 14:25, David Z Maze escribe:
> For packages in unstable, figuring out what needs to be
> backported/installed should mostly be a matter of looking at the
> Build-Depends: line in debian/control.

An example will be useful, I hope. I want to backport the latest
version of audacity, an audio editor. First, I run:

# apt-get build-dep audacity
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Build-Depends dependency on audacity cannot be satisfied because
the package cdbs cannot be found

So, it seems backporting cdbs is also needed, let's check its build

$ apt-cache showsrc cdbs | grep Depends
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), realpath, fakeroot,
python-dev, springgraph, ocaml-native-compilers | ocaml

So, for building, whether it depends on springgraph, or I don't
understand at all what this "Build-Depends-Indep" means. Furthermore:

$ apt-get source springgraph
$ cd springgraph
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
$ cd ..
$ dpkg --info springgraph_0.80.1-1_all.deb | grep Depends
 Depends: perl,libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl | libgd-gd2-perl

So, I would need to packport one of these two libgd-gd2 packages:

# apt-cache showsrc libgd-gd2-perl | grep Depends
Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 4), dh-buildinfo, perl (>=
5.6.0-16), libgd2-xpm-dev (>= 2.0.12), libjpeg62-dev, libpng12-dev,
libz-dev, libfreetype6-dev, xlibs-dev

You can see, cdbs, again, so I get stuck and can't find a way to get

Any more feedback will be very useful.

Regards, Ismael
"Tout fourmille de commentaries; d'auteurs il en est grande cherté"

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