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Re: Backport issue

Ismael Valladolid Torres <ismael@sambara.org> writes:

> However, I am finding an issue backporting packages that build-depend
> on cdbs. For satisfying build dependencies, I always end up
> backporting a package called springgraph, but then it refuses to
> install, asking for some other packages that build-depend on cdbs
> themselves.

Why are you backporting springgraph?  (It's a free package that allows
you to format .dot files, and attempts to replace parts of the
non-free graphviz.)  It's not essential to most package builds, and
certainly cdbs doesn't depend on it.  For packages in unstable,
figuring out what needs to be backported/installed should mostly be a
matter of looking at the Build-Depends: line in debian/control.

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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