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Re: mouse wheel scrolling in mutt ???

Also sprach Gregory Seidman (Tue 22 Jul 02003 at 06:12:31PM -0400):
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 05:04:28PM -0500, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> [...]
> } Eureka!
> } 
> } This works:
> } 
> } mutt.vt100.translations:
> }         None<Btn5Down>: string(>>) \n\
> }         None<Btn4Down>: string(<<) \n       
> } 
> } Why does sequence of these two (2) mappings matter?
> That's just bizarre. You should need at least a \n\ on the first line. And
> the order shouldn't matter at all (except that the last line shouldn't have
> a trailing backslash). Perhaps the problem was that you had trailing spaces
> at the ends of the lines...? 

My bad ;<  I assumed that the #override \n\  was some type of comment,
and cut it from my last post.

Indeed, it is required, and does not work without it.

This is _exactly_ what was in my ~/.Xdefaults:

   mutt.vt100.translations:  #override \n\
            None<Btn5Down>:  string(>>) \n\
            None<Btn4Down>:  string(<<) \n      

Now I have this, which also works:

   mutt.vt100.translations:  #override \n\
            None<Btn4Down>:  string(<<) \n\
            None<Btn5Down>:  string(>>) \n

I cut-and-pasted from the original email, and -- somehow -- had trailing
whitespace, as you surmised.

Now, sequence does *not* matter, and I can scroll with my mouse wheel in
mutt -- just as long as I use xterm, instead of rxvt.

Thank you, for your ideas and patience . . .

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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