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Re: debian installer (an idea)

On Monday 23 June 2003 10:22 am, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> Packages are already compressed.  Putting them on a compressed
> filesystem won't gain you much, if anything.  There's also a good
> possibility that it will instead increase the size of the file (yes,
> increase).

Ok, so no compression then. But how good is .deb compression? Is it better 
that the one on knoppix? Just a question, I don't know the answer.

> Unstable and testing change much too frequently for inclusion on any CD
> releases (read daily if not hourly basis).

Ok, but not everybody have full time access to internet, and this people would 
be interested in having an snapshot of testing and unstable. Even if it's not 
the very last "testing or unstable".

> Sure, a "desktop release" as you describe sounds good to most at first
> glance.  However, it's not a good idea.  If a person is going to run a
> mixture of stable/testing/unstable they should know what they are doing.
> There _are_ times that testing and unstable are quite broken.  Having
> normal end users that installed a "desktop" release hit with these
> during an update would be terrible to say the least.

Ok, I may be all mistaken but I think that some "device" need to be created to 
fill the gap betwen the perfect "stable" and the real needs of people that 
want a desktop, which means up to date soft.
Maybe this could be done by taking snapshots of testing and unstable in their 
least "broken" moments, I don't know.
I'm sure that some solution can be reached in order to make debian more 
flexible so you can run a debian server as happy as a debian desktop.

Don't you agree?

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