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Re: Installing linux inside linux?

On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 11:23, Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
> I've heard of several methods of installing Debian within an already 
> running Debian install on the same partition.
> - Bochs: an emulator, does this recreate a system worthy of a debian 
> install? or will emulator-specific problems arise?

Can't say I've tried it, so I'll leave that one for someone else ..

> - chroot: what's a chroot?

chroot changes a process' view of the filesystem .. specifically, where
the root of the filesystem is (hence ch(ange)root). Here's an example

/root # cd /mnt/redhat
/mnt/redhat # ls
bin  boot  dev  etc  halt  home  initrd  lib  lost+found  misc  mnt 
opt  proc  root  sbin  tmp  usr  var
/mnt/redhat # chroot . /bin/sh
/ # ls
bin  boot  dev  etc  halt  home  initrd  lib  lost+found  misc  mnt 
opt  proc  root  sbin  tmp  usr  var

There I've started /bin/sh but chroot'd so that /mnt/redhat appears as /
(but only to /bin/sh and it's children - the rest of the system is

See http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-chroot
for more details

> - UML: patch for kernel? I don't want to recompile my kernel

While User-Mode Linux can benefit from a kernel patch (the skas patch),
it's just a normal process - it doesn't require any modifications to
your running kernel.

Simply apt-get install user-mode-linux (and optionally
user-mode-linux-docs), then grab a pre-made filesystem for it from

See the howto on user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net for more details.

> Are there any other ways of doing this I'm not aware of?

Not that I'm aware of - bochs and similar will run linux within an
emulated PC, user-mode-linux will let you run linux within it's own
kernel, and chroot will let you run a process within it's own corner of
the filesystem.  Which is better simply depends on how isolated from the
host machine you want the "linux within linux" to be.

> I have 1 hard drive with a windows partition, and one each of /, /boot, 
> and scratch partitions, running Woody on the linux side.

chroot uses an existing directory, uml uses files containing filesystems
- neither will require new partitions.

> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Joel Konkle-Parker
> Webmaster [Ballsome.com]
> Phone     [662-518-1636]
> E-mail    [jjk3@msstate.edu]

Hope this helps / makes sense

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